Category: ISTE Educator Standard 4: Collaborator

ISTE Educator Standard 1: Learner, ISTE Educator Standard 4: Collaborator, ISTE Educator Standard 5: Designer, ISTE Educator Standard 7: Analyst, ISTE Student Standard 1: Empowered Learner, ISTE Student Standard 3: Knowledge Constructor, ISTE Student Standard 6: Creative Communicator, Level 1


Want something new for your toolbox? Then Flipgrid is it. It is an amazing and free tool that encourages reflection for professional development or in the classroom. Check out this presentation to get you started.Continue reading

ISTE Educator Standard 1: Learner, ISTE Educator Standard 4: Collaborator, ISTE Educator Standard 7: Analyst, Level 1

Google Level 1 Certification: Google Drive 101 – Managing Folders and Files in Google Drive; and Creating, Editing, Sharing, Sending Docs and Forms

In this video you’ll learn: Google Drive: What is Google Drive and why is it helpful to me as a DCSD Educator? Accessing, settings, uploading, organizing files/folders, searching. Google Docs: Creating, editing, sharing, sending. GoogleContinue reading

ISTE Educator Standard 1: Learner, ISTE Educator Standard 3: Citizen, ISTE Educator Standard 4: Collaborator, Level 2

Google Level 1 Certification: How to Use Google Groups and Google Plus

In the video below you will learn: Google Groups: DCSD access, creating/managing, joining, read/create posts, create forums, emailing groups. Google Plus: Connecting the first time, Collections, Communities, settings, sharing. If you are interested in pursuingContinue reading