picture of students working quietly

Building a Collaborative Technology Plan District/Building Wide

In the fall of 2017, Wilson was one of the many cohorts that participated in the ISTE/Verizon professional development. The goal of the course was to create a building/district mobile learning plan to encourage the integration of technology integration. Although this course was designed for teams, the resources and ideas presented could be used by individuals. This presentation provides the resources and templates that focused the discussion and products. There are links to K-12 products created world wide. I also have access to the Verizon google community. I could look for look for something specific if need be. All cohorts posted their discussions, products, final works on this site over 4 years.

 If working with a team interests you, know that we met 2.5 hours once a week for 10 weeks. Each week there was an assignment due, most being group assignments. Participants received 2 relicensure credit hours through AEA. I would be more than willing to help a group/building with this. This course focused on collaboration, valued participant’s time, and pushed us into many great discussions.

As of June 2018, this program was no longer being offered as Verizon supported this for 4 years and thousands of districts. This is the link to the website but know it may not be live long term. 

My contact information–Heather Whitman– whitmanh@davenportschools.org



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